Channel: Real Michael Jai White
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: michael jai white moviesmartial arts motivationmichael jai white diet planmartial arts moviesmichael jai white trainingmartial artsmartial arts fight scenesmichael jai white food dietmichael jai white martial artsaction moviesmichael jai whitemartial arts trainingmartial artistuniversal soldier the returnuniversal soldiermichael jaimichael jai white sidekickjean claude van dammemichael jai white diet and workoutjean-claude van damme
Description: When working on movies that required a physical work like Universal Soldier, I had to make the best of my situation & often did a lot of my training on set. From doing kata's to lifting weights, I tried to make sure my body was always stretched & ready for anything! The Jai Method has officially launched! Exclusive: Michael Jai White Tells The Real Story Behind Blood & BoneScene with Kimbo Slice: SIDE KICK LIKE A PRO - Training With Michael J White: #michaeljaiwhite #universalsoldier #stayhome