Channel: Quixel
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: megascanspbrtexturesquixel mixertexturingenvironment artphotogrammetryscanvfxsculpt3d artspeedquixelquixel megascansue3dstylizedreal-timescansquixel bridgegamescreatevertex blendunreal engineasset browsingartepic gamesue4textureunreal engine 4stylisedepictwinmotionenvironmentpluginmaterialsbridgevirtual production
Description: In this video, Josh Powers shows you how to set-up and use the completely revamped Vertex Blend Material within the Megascans Unreal Plugin. You can leverage this material to add a tremendous amount of detail to your static objects with just a few clicks. So, be sure to download Bridge and take advantage of this free, and incredibly easy-to-use material! Read more on the blog: Download Bridge here: