Channel: Quantum Gravity Research
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: brazilmathematicsscientistmathsquantum gravity researchmathematicianemergence theoryphdquantum gravityphysicistquasicrystalfree softwareopen knowledgemarcelo amaralquantum mechanicsphysicssciencequantum field theorymeet our scientistsmathqgrquantum physics
Description: This is the third video in a series from Quantum Gravity Research, each episode focusing on a different scientist, their origins and backgrounds, where their love of science started and how they came to work at QGR. Marcelo M. Amaral got his PhD in physics from UERJ at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2015 working with quantum field theory on the problem of confinement in Yang Mills theory. He then conducted postdoc work at Penn State University at State College US working on the problem of time in quantum gravity. Before earning his PhD, Marcelo worked in Brazil on different social projects with a focus in open knowledge and free software. He has experience and interest in quantum field theory and quantum gravity. Music: Ready To Go by Mixaund