Channel: Mister Preda
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: daniel predamister predapuppy trainingpuppy adoptionaussie retreiveradopt dont shopcutepuppiesdanielnew puppypuppyadoptcollie mixrescuepredagolden retreiver
Description: Hi Guys! Ahhhh what did I do lol. Meet my new puppy I’m fostering....for now — drop a comment down below and help me pick a cute temporary name, “Lucy” is not the vibe lol. See you Thursday with a new video & dont forget to LIKE and SUB! ❤️ xoxo Daniel *not sponsored, just love the brand* but you can use code DANIEL at checkout for 20% off your Wild One order — 📷 follow me on insta: 🐥 follow me on twitter: 🎥 subscribe: 🏠 UNMESS series: