Channel: Elsie Lovelock
Category: Entertainment
Tags: youtubeheathers the musicalsingeranimaticbroadwayheathersjason deancovermusicveronica sawyerannapantsuwest endmeant to be yourslittlejaneycakescaleb hylessweetpoffinsongwinona rydermusicalsinginganidoodleselsie lovelockchristian slaterheathers onlinebarrett wilbert weedvinesjdviralveronica1989ryan mccarlanjonathan young
Description: ►►PLEASE CLICK HD►►Hey guys! I hope you enjoy my version of this song! For more information about BetterHelp, continue reading! BetterHelp is an affordable and convenient way to receive therapy and counseling from home. BetterHelp seeks to improve mental and social health around the world, and has professional therapists available to help you with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, and more. - Therapy is done from the comfort of your own home, making it easier and more convenient for you to meet with a professional - You are given unlimited communication with your therapist, and at any time. Giving you the flexibility to do counselling on your schedule. - BetterHelp costs about $ 65 USD weekly which is significantly lower than traditional therapy which ranges from $150-$300 per session - Matching with a therapist that you connect with is important, so you're given the freedom to switch therapists anytime - Financial assistance is available for those who can't afford it Sign up using my link below! CLICK HERE: ________________________________________ This song was very emotionally charged and fun to sing, but also it touches on a harrowing subject, so I hope you enjoy my interpretation of it. Thank you to Anidoodles for the amazing artwork again! ❤ MY SOCIAL MEDIA: ❤Facebook: Elsie Lovelock ❤Twitter: @sweetpoffin ❤Instagram: SweetPoffin I'VE OPENED A KO-FI! SUPPORT ME BY DONATING A TINY AMOUNT HERE: ❤ I OWN NO BACKGROUND AUDIO OR MUSIC HERE. I OWN NOTHING BUT MY VOICE. THIS IS JUST FOR FUN AND NOT FOR PROFIT WITH NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.