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Duration: 01:00:13Views: 3.3KLikes: 245Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD]

Category: Nonprofits & Activism

Tags: dr bozketo dietimproving your healthketocontinuumketoweight lossconsistently ketoatomic habitsannette bosworthketones for lifeketoneexogenous ketonesketogenic dietany way you canbhb

Description: 0:00 Intro and Announcements 5:36 Book Reviews, Bozmd.com 11:55 Atomic keto recap 14:45 Make it easy 30:36 Q&A The Fundamentals - 1 . Why the SMALLEST STEPS Make a Big Difference 2 . Habits shape your identity (and vice versa) 3 . We are the SUM of our habits. The 1st Law - Make it Obvious 4 . Why The Bad Habits and How to STOP 5. Motivation is Overrated Make it easy to begin– environment matters MOST 6. Make it EASY to start The 2nd Law - Make it Attractive 7. Dopamine - Wired to DESIRE 8. Family - Keep 'Em? or Toss 'Em? Most Influential The 3rd Law - Make it Easy ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pella Iowa in June 2nd -3rd ... FREE on.bozmd.com/Pella2022 KetoCON - July 8-10 in Austin TEXAS at the Palmer Center PromoCODE: DrBoz for $50 off ketocon.org Keto Orlando Summit -- August 4th-7th DRBOZ for 10 % discount ketoorlandosummit.com Thursday = NEURONS live questions from Dr Boz 4:30 EDT #atomicketo #ketohabits #atomichabits Click here to get your copy of ATOMIC HABITS amzn.to/3M9KVIv on.bozmd.com/AtomicHabits ********************* Thanks for checking out the Dr Boz Channel. Tune in Tuesday nights, 6PM Eastern/5PM Central to watch me Live! We improve health - One ketone at a time Dr Boz’s ONLINE Course Consistently Keto: bozmd.com/shop Dr BOZ FAVORITES: on.bozmd.com/fav WAYS TO SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL:   Share the Dr Boz content with people you love. Everyone wins when you share. Buy Dr Boz Products. Dr Boz Food Guide: on.bozmd.com/FoodGuide Dr Boz K2+D3: on.bozmd.com/k2d3 amzn.to/31lIlqL (affiliate link) Dr Boz Ketones-In-A-Can: Raspberry Lemon: on.bozmd.com/BHB1 amzn.to/2GXLlSw Dutch Chocolate on.bozmd.com/BHB4 amzn.to/30GfnmP Mexican Spice Chocolate on.bozmd.com/BHB3 amzn.to/2ZUxvK6 Cucumber Lemonade TUB: on.bozmd.com/BHB2 Cucumber Lemonade Sachet: amzn.to/3lzgVZj Dr Boz Ketones-In-A-Capsule: on.bozmd.com/BHBpill amzn.to/2XgVaVy (affiliate link) Dr. Boz MCT C8:C10 softgels: on.bozmd.com/c8c10 amzn.to/2K7tPww (affiliate link) Dr Boz Strawberry Lemonade Keto Combo BHB + MCT C8:C10 amzn.to/30jeL8w (affiliate link) Dr Boz At Home Vit D Test Kit on.bozmd.com/vitDtest Buy Dr Boz's books ANYWAY YOU CAN. A Beginner's Guide to Ketones For Life Paperback: on.bozmd.com/AYC Hardcover: on.bozmd.com/AYChard Kindle amazon.com/dp/B07R54BKSX AUDIBLE: adbl.co/2SLLfS1 KetoCONTINUUM Consistently Keto For Life Paperback: amzn.to/37L2uvK Audiobook adbl.co/3tQ75WZ ketoCONTINUUM Workbook: amzn.to/3c68Tns Dr Boz Food Guide: bozmd.com/wps_products/quality-eating-guide Most common questions I get ...  "Doc, what BLOOD KETONE METER do you recommend?"       ANSWER:  FORACARE: on.bozmd.com/fora6  (Promo-code: Dr.Boz)       It's accurate and takes only ONE test-strip to get results.     FREE STUFF eBook: 50 Keto Fat-Facts: on.bozmd.com/50fat 5 Toxic Traditions on.bozmd.com/toxic DrBozRatio Spreadsheet on.bozmd.com/DBR  *This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Bosworth, MD.  Our content informs and educates viewers. Medical advice is not given on this channel. Your personal physician gives the medical advice and treatment specific to your situation. Dr Boz channel only educates. Consult your doctor or qualified health professional regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Bosworth nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person(s) receiving this educational content. Ask your health advisors before beginning any nutritional supplement or lifestyle program. #atomicketo #ketohabits #atomichabits

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