Channel: Eugenie Kitchen
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: 초컬릿no ovendiy holiday treatschocolate cupyt:cc=onrecipehow to make mallo cups만들기how to makecoconut chocolate cup디저트coconut marshmallow cupmarshmallow cup노오븐no-bake초콜렛christmas gift ideas레시피homemademashmallow fluffmallo cup recipemarshmallow (food)coconut노오븐 디저트초콜릿marshmallow chocolate3 ingredient마시멜로mallo cupmallo cups컵coconut marshmallowmarshmallow creme (dish)말로컵마시멜로우3 ingredient recipechocolate초콜릿컵
Description: These homemade Mallo cups will make easy yet great Halloween treat. 말로컵 마시멜로 초코컵 만들기 SUBSCRIBE WRITTEN RECIPES Mallo Cups For 4 mini cups Ingredients 1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips ¼ cup marshmallow fluff 1 tablespoon coconut flakes Directions 1. Melt the chocolate. Then spoon 1 teaspoon of chocolate in a silicon mold. And spread until it covers the inside thoroughly. Then chill in the refrigerator. 2. Now mix marshmallow fluff and coconut flakes. If you have coconut oil, it will be great to add a little bit of coco oil in this mixture. And spoon 2 teaspoons of marshmallow coconut mixture in a chocolate covered silicon mold. 3. Finally add 1 teaspoon of melted chocolate in a mold and cover the surface. Then chill until set in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. 말로컵 만들기 초코컵 4개 재료 다크 초코칩 1/4 컵 (60ml) 마시멜로 플러프 ¼ 컵 (60ml) 코코넛 가루 큰술로 하나 (15ml) ~ STAY CONNECTED ~ Find All My Recipes Subscribe to My Blog Pinterest Feedly BlogLovin' 유지니 키친 한국어 비디오