Channel: Next Level Carpentry
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: hardwoodflooringperfectremodelcustomdesignerflawlessmouldingcarpentermillworkcasingtrimmitercornerdiydesignmaplebasecrownimpeccablesmooth
Description: Making impeccable trim in a small shop is not impossible... see the process and tools I use to make 150lf of custom profile base in hard maple for a client project. See how Black Nitride Steel knives ground by Tim Yunger at Custom Moulding Knives spinning in a W&H Moulder produce a flawless finish effortlessly. Here's virtual warehouse containing a whole bunch of stuff I use and recommend all on one Influencer's Page at Amazon. If you need something on this list and can't find it locally please shop using a link here... everything on the page is the same low online price you expect but it 'encourages' Mr Bezos to share an infinitesimally small portion of his profit which helps support lil' ol' me here at Next Level Carpentry... best win-win deal I know of!đđ Want Official NLC shirts, signs, mugs or posters? Go here: because, unlike Amazon, you can't find it ANYwhere else! Thanks... it great to know viewers like you are out there spreading the word about this Channel! Like what you saw and heard about knives from Custom Moulding Knives? Visit the CMK site here: and reach out to Tim next time you're in the market for knives for making 'impeccable trim' of your own... and tell him NLC sent you? If you've read all the way down to the bottom of the page I expect (hope?) it's because you're motivated to go above and beyond to support production of free video content here... if my guess is right sign up as a patron on Patreon here: With your support and encouragement I continue to work to build Next Level Carpentry to be the best it can be. Thank you!