Channel: Spitfire Audio
Category: Music
Tags: best sample librariesvirtual instrumentsmusic educationstring sectionsample librarycinematic studio stringsstring sample libraryorchestral samplesstring vstspitfire audio
Description: In-house composer Oliver showcases how LCO Strings influenced the extended string techniques on his OPW album, sharing tips for communicating complicated timbres to live players as well as how LCO Strings can enhance your scores in those moments it's not possible to record them live. Save 30% on LCO Strings for a limited time only: #LCOStrings #StringsVST #Sampling 0:00 - Intro and Content Overview 0:31 - Track play down (sampled version) 02:33 - LCO Introduction and Sounds 04:49 - LCO articulations live vs samples on soundtracks 13:45 - track analysis and inspiration 16:08 - live vs samples and orchestration 27:11 - more inspiration 29:31 - midi delivery to the orchestrator 31:13 - track play down (mastered live version)