Channel: Liebherr
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: thirtywindturbinesliebherrpowercrawlercranewindturbineslr11000lr1750/2liebherr1000tonnecrawlercranewindfarmsliebherrfans
Description: Ten months ago, Austrian group Felbermayr started operations with its third Liebherr LR 11000. Since then, the crawler crane has been erecting Enercon wind turbines in Burgenland to the south-east of Vienna. Working with an LR 1750/2, the 1000 tonne crawler crane has erected a total of thirty wind turbines. Felbermayr will be sending another LR 11000 to the wind farms near the Austrian-Slovakian border in May to support the rest of the work. The erection work is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022 at the latest.