Channel: HCBailly
Category: Gaming
Tags: cockatriceskeletonmom bomblet's playspiritwalkthroughgray bombbombpixelfinal fantasy ivgargoyle
Description: In this episode of Final Fantasy IV, we begin the climb to the summit, where we encounter some welcome and unwelcome guests. New Enemies: Cockatrice, Gargoyle, Bomb, Gray Bomb, Skeleton, Spirit Total Bestiary ID completion: 1-32, 158-160, 191 Recommended Equipment at this point in the game Rosa: Holy Arrow, Bow, Leather Cap, Leather Garb, Iron Armlet Cecil: Shadowblade, Dark Shield, Hades Helm, Hades Armor, Hades Gloves Rydia: Ice Rod, Feathered Cap, Leather Garb, Iron Armlet Yang: Fire Claw, Feathered Cap, Leather Garb, Iron Armlet Edward: Holy Arrow, Crossbow, Feathered Cap, Leather Garb, Iron Armlet Thanks for watching!