Channel: WildPie101
Category: Gaming
Tags: legendlordrandemonssmoughps3skeletonghostornsteinofivorydarksteamsunnydiesguidecrownsequalxbox 360 (video game platform)dumbshitslets playkingsoulssunkenmlgxboxsuper londo brosthelondospookyneverdark souls 2bloodborne420pcprequalaction role-playing game (video game genre)giantsdrangleikdark souls (video game)ironwalkthroughvideo game (industry)playthroughanorgameplay
Description: Twitch: Twitter: Patreon: Okay so Anor Londo is pretty fucking long. Probably the largest area in the game (I think don't quote me on that) so there's a lot to miss. Also, O&S live here, so there's that. Only a couple of actually tricky areas though, the rest you just have to be careful going through. It's also worth noting that if you kill Gwyndolin, you lose your chance to join the Darkmoon covenant. (This series won't cover random enemy drops or soul items) Songs: Kevin Macleod - Call to Adventure Excision & Downlink - Existence VIP Greentopify - Dunkstein and Slamough ( Kill Bill OST - Ironside Siren Tri-Osc Music - Terror Boy (Souljacore) MC Hammer - Can't Touch This Dark Souls OST - Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight Super Paper Mario OST - River Twygz Bed Andrew Gold - Spooky Scary Skeletons Jaws Theme (Jazz Remix) Parasite Inc. - The Pulse of the Dead RuPaul - Tranny Chaser Renard - Tumblr Got Soul