Channel: Princess Detectives
Category: Entertainment
Tags: funny videos 2017moviestory timechildren reactfamily friendly youtube channelplaytimeprincess detectiveslego friendslegolegosbehind the scenesreviewslegoland waterparkreviewlego ninjagohip hopvacationcartoon moviefunnykidssan diegoreactiontoyscartoontooth fairylegoland hotelninjagolegolandhide and seekfamily friendlyanimationadventuremysterykids roomfamily eventsvideo blogvlogkids reactsplashjokesfamily channelfun
Description: The PRINCESS DETECTIVES travel to Legoland. They get a sneak peak at a new ride in the Legoland waterpark. The waterpark was opened just to the press, family’s from the Ronald McDonald House, and the Princess Detectives. They also explore Legoland. Come see where all the funs at! Princess Detectives Spin Dresses, Flare Pants, Shirts and Hats are NOW AVAILABLE!: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: