Channel: DevTips
Category: Education
Tags: how tocssdev tipsweb design tutsfriendly internetdesigner who codesprototypingadvicedevelopment advicegraphic designerweb designinternet codetipscode editingcodingwebdesignhtmlweb developmenttutorialmobile codingprogrammingdesigners who codecoding tutorialnet tutswebsitedesign prototypingworkflowgrasshoppergraphic designsmart phonejavascriptmobile phoneweb tutsprogramming helpinternet
Description: The answer is YES - you can learn to code on a smart phone - with the Grasshopper app. A neat way of combining both examples and quizzes to learn JavaScript on your mobile phone. ALSO a rant on how to NOT learn through learn-how-to-code excercises. Very exciting! Try the app out at or look for Grasshopper in your app store. It is pretty fun.