Channel: GMB Fitness
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: kip up dance movekick up tutorialacrobatics challengebruce lee movestumblingjcvdacrobatics for beginnershow to kick upbruce lee moves tutorialgmb fitnesskip up tutorialgmb vitamin programhow to kip upkip up tutorial for beginnersmartial arts moveslearning how to kip upfloor kipacrobatics mengmb fitness vitaminacrobatics gymnastkip uphow to do a kip upacrobatics traininghow to jackie chanhow to kip up for beginnerskick up
Description: No one just does the floor kip on accident. Except maybe Bruce Lee. Though none of us will ever be cool as Bruce, we can still learn how to floor kip (or kip-up) quickly and safely. In this video, Ryan breaks down how to floor kip in 3 progressions without busting your back. Learn a cool new move like the floor kip every day 👉 0:00 - Smooth floor kip action 0:23 - Plowing the first floor kip progression 2:16 - Ohh the kipping irony 2:22 - Bridging to the second floor kip progression 3:40 - The kip bail - or - How to NOT slam your back on the ground Check out our full in-depth article on the floor kip - Subscribe for more: We really hope you found this video useful. Please leave a comment if you have any questions at all. We'll do our best to help.