Channel: whitney hedrick
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how to look more attractivehow to look like a baddiefemininity tipsrelationship advice motivationlevel uplevel up advicehigh maintenance routineshigh maintlevel up journeyhow to level uphow to be femininehow to romanticize your liferelationship advice for womenhigh maintnenacehigh maintenance womanfemininityhow to be a baddiehow to take care of yourselffeminine womanhow to look goodhow to look more femininelevel up journey feminine
Description: Hello lovers, Y'all have been asking for more High Maintenance Energy content I am so excited to deliver on that today! Although I would like to say...pretty much all of my content is high maintenance themed, but as I mention in the video I cant always figure out a way to incorporate it into the title. Please let me know down below if you are interested in any other specific femininity, girly, high maintenance kind of content because I am really interested in making more of this as I am feeling inspired so much by it right now! ✨THE BEST VIDEO ON FEMININITY I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! : ✨ COME HANG ON PATREON FOR MORE! ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ MAKEUP 101 VIDEOS ✨ ✨ HIGH MAINTENANCE ENERGY SERIES ✨ Pick up your 7e Myolift Mini here and use my code for $$ off!: ✨ USE CODE WHITNEYHEDRICK FOR $$ OFF!!! ✨ 🌟 LETS BE FRIENDS ON THE INTERWEBS 🌟 🌟 BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY: 🌟 FACEBOOK - 🌟 INSTAGRAM -@whitney_hedrick