Channel: Fred Yen
Category: Entertainment
Tags: kodi androidgoobang tvandroid tv boxandroidkodi tutorialkodi tv boxkodi on androidgoobangtv boxfirestickandroid boxfire stickhow to install kodifirestick jailbreakkodi boxkodikodi installdurex buildfire stick jailbreakgoobang android
Description: GET ANDROID BOX: ANDROID BOX REVIEW: GET VPN: In this video I show you how to install KODI and the Durex Build onto the Best Reviewed Android TV Box on Amazon =============================== SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL: =============================== You can help support this channel by making your Amazon purchases through this link. =============================== IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE: =============================== CHC: CPKc6gk5S3zyVgD4yKSoz5M7MQxiuSCupV BTC: 17HjUU7YqrsAeBCeFPRjqJqmPsSfzszgD4 ETH: 0x1275e5693CC69dB1F3d55D0D346d84fbbEC0dD6c LTC: LRTPjWzFVfXjbQAAW7BHG5m3p7YPFtdN6J =============================== CONNECT WITH ME =============================== WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: @FredYenDesigns SNAPCHAT: @FredYenDesigns FACEBOOK: @FredYenDesigns