Channel: The8BitDrummer
Category: Music
Tags: 8 bitthe8bitdrummer butter building cover8bit drummerthe8bitdrummerdrummer reactsdrummer reacts tobutter building8bitdrummer8 bitdrummerdrumming highlightsbutter building remixdrumming twitch8bitdrummer twitchtwitch highlightsthe8bitdrummer kirby coverthe 8 bit drummerdrumming youtubekirbykirby's adventure
Description: NOTEBLOCK!!! They make such wonderful remixes from all types of game soundtracks! They knocked this out of the park! Something fun with them, they add music from different games into their remixes from another game. Give them a listen! You will notice it quick! Once again, awesome stuff! :D OG VID - NoteBlock - --- WATCH LIVE ON TWITCH! Mon, Tues, Fri and Sat at 4:30 PM Eastern! GET CONNECTED! The8BitDrummer on all socials! Business Email | Be sure to comment and let me know if you enjoyed watching! It really helps and I love hearing what y'all have to say! :D If you would like more crazy drumming action, SUBSCRIBE! Join the Party!!! I really hope you enjoy the videos! God bless! Take care! ROCK ON!!!