Channel: Amanda Rose
Category: Entertainment
Tags: school vlog high schoolschool day in the life 2019school day in the usaschool day in my life 2019amanda roseschool vloghigh school day in my lifeschoolschool vlog emma chamberlainhigh school day in my life vlogschool day in my lifeschool vlog 2019school vlog middle schoolonline school day in my life
Description: here’s a school vlog!! i feel like i’ve been doing a lot of day in my life videos recently but like i don’t think that’s true idk maybe i’m just going crazy! anyways i’m in england right now which means i just have to upload a video and i didn’t expect this to be so short / not good quality ,, but whateva! 🤪 here’s a school day in my life ! #schoolvlog #schooldayinmylife if you see this, comment if you’re on spring break! 🌛 ———— ♥ SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: @amandaroseyt Twitter: @amandaroseytt Pinterest: @amandaroseyt Apple Music: @amandaroseh •••• Email: ↳ only for business inquiries ♥ FAQ How old are you? 15 What do you use to edit? Final Cut Pro X When did you start YouTube? July 2016 What camera do you use? Either my iPhone 8+ or a Nikon D3300 ♥ MUSIC CREDITS: I don’t own any of this music and no copyright infringement was intended, all rights go to the owners. Music Used: Surfaces- Outside Interlude Surfaces- Home Surfaces- Loving ♥ SUB COUNT: 36.7k hope to see you soon :)