Channel: Laura Legends
Category: Entertainment
Tags: jurassic world dominion trailer reactionjurassic reactionjurassic world 3 breakdownjurassic world trailer reactionjurassic world dominion reactionjurassic world dominion trailer breakdownjurassic world 3 reactionlaura legendsjurassic world 3 giganotsaurusjurassic world dominion easter eggsjurassic world dominionjurassic world 3 trailer break downjurassic world 3 dinosaursjurassic world 3 dilophosaurusjurassic world 3jurassic world 3 trailer reaction
Description: I really did NOT want to watch this trailer! ...... But I had to 😂 LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS!!!!! J Thank you to this week's Patrons!: Julian Ortiz, Marcel K, Timothy, Vincent Baker, Ed Keaton, JC Hesh, Gudlaigur Omar, Henry Flit, Ronaldo Renestivo, Jonathan Perez, Nicolas Javet, Gabriel Nowlin, Jim Thompson, James Phelan, Richie, Matthew Henderson, Bill Talaga, Michael Gresser (Modern Toyfare), David Cordero, Michael Davis, Shane Drake, Anthony D Grate, Vincent Baker, Element Shimmer, Bradley Heisler, DM Huber Support Me On Patreon! : Merch Store: Business Inquiries: ____________________________________ AFFILIATE LINKS: IRON STUDIOS BIG BAD TOY STORE *If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I'll earn a small commission which will go towards helping the channel grow! ____________________________________ Follow Me on INSTAGRAM: Follow Me on FACEBOOK: ____________________________________ PO BOX 37011 Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 6N4 Canada ____________________________________ #JurassicWorld #JurassicWorldDominion #lauralegends DISCLAIMER: This video is intended for an adult audience only Music Used: Intro - Operatic 3-Vibe Mountain Jazz Piano - Bensound