Channel: dinoflask
Category: Gaming
Tags: archivesmemeblizzardentertainmentparodyherostorm rising2019blizzconoverwatchjeff kaplansoldier 76widowmakerjack morrisonbaptisteeventdeveloper updategay
Description: thanks jeff. subtitles available. here we are again. i'm back. tell your friends. like overwatch's storyline, the format of these videos hasn't changed in over 3 years. i guess i'll stop making them when you people stop watching them. the previous one did surprisingly well, but i've chalked that up to the fact that it broke a 4 month hiatus and it ragged on blizzard pretty hard after the whole blizzcon smartphone thing. this one also breaks a 4 month hiatus. oops. i've started a 2nd channel: i'll likely populate it with the tattered remains of my unfinished projects, things i didn't want to put on dinoflask 1, and some of the short things i sometimes make for twitter. someone ages ago once asked for the "you reposted in the wrong developer update" video but without the music. if anyone wants stuff like that from any of my old videos then leave a comment on the other channel and i'll see what i can do. my hope is that dinoflask 2 will contrast dinoflask 1 by becoming a place i can upload quicker / shorter things without having to spend ages polishing the final product. and then maybe that will translate into more uploads on dinoflask 1. who knows? 2nd channel: patreon: discord: twitter: zuccbook: A big thank you to all my generous supporters each of whom I love dearly: Clundor Augustus Bebbington bulby Denys Dvortsov Ryan Peterson Diceycle Scott Walters Alpharius Mat2095 Matt Pinaud Moisture Jordan One DatapawWolf Dylan Wilkinson