Channel: Keith Fenner
Category: Education
Tags: plasma cutterrepairlathebellsline boringkeith fennergrindingcaddrill pressmechanicmarine propulsionmetal latheold school bellbroachingtoolsturn wrightmachine worksmetal workingcncheliarcmachinistmillingtig weldingtappingweldingfabricationworkshopdrillingdrillboringcnc machinemachine shopmachiningstrutsturningjob shopplasmafenner
Description: I take on another Bell yoke, pivot and rope wheel restoration, this one out of an antique school house in Westport Massachusetts, the second bell project from Heritage Restoration INC. Providence RI. Part Two we perform the weld fusion overlay process then set it back up in the lathe turning it back to true and smooth. We finish up this episode by setting up the rope wheel in the K&T to bore the center hub. ;{)