Channel: storybooth
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: judgementbeing gothstorytimestory timeemoparitymomstorybooth animatedhurts to be judgedteacherripped tightskarenschoolmiddle schoolemo lovesadawkwardstoryboothkidskaren videoskarens in the wildteasingunited kingdomjudgystorybookcrossjudgedgothgoth bandsfriendsanimationstory boothpunkmeanit hurtsmean peoplekarens get ownedvlogkaren songstylehurtparents
Description: Bethany tells her story and admits that it hurts to be judged for being goth. SUBSCRIBE TO STORYBOOTH COLLEGE: By Bethany | Subscribe: Bethany loves the punk and goth culture. She thinks the punk and goth bands are so cool, and she loves their style. However, she's forced to face backlash for her style and hobbies. Bethany goes to a UK secondary school, and the teasing is SO bad. People make horrible jokes about her outfits, her style and everything she wears - and some of the jokes are even about self harm. Bethany cries herself to sleep at night because of the way people treat her at school. Luckily, her teacher picked up on it, so she's scheduled to go to a meeting with the school and her parents. She's hoping they can help make school more tolerable. School is meant to be the place you're supposed to feel safe, but Bethany does NOT feel safe there. But the teasing doesn't just stop at school, as she is also forced to face criticism from random strangers in public. She's had people wave crosses at her, little kids stare at her and grown adults make comments about her. One time, Bethany was getting herself a drink from a shop, and she was confronted by the ultimate KAREN who would NOT leave her alone. She asked why her tights were ripped and why she was wearing a cross. But Bethany's response was just that she liked it and she didn't care what the nasty KAREN had to say for herself. Bethany's mom watched the whole interaction happen, and she had no problem giving the judgy KAREN a piece of her mind. Although Bethany has to admit that it hurts to be judged for being goth, she wants everyone to know that we're all unique and should never feel down about the way people treat us. She doesn't care how you dress or what you look like - BE YOURSELF and BE UNIQUE! Record your story @ or our iPhone app for a chance to get animated. ______ What's your true story? storybooth wants to hear it! LINKS: Website: Instagram: @thestorybooth If you liked this storybooth storytime (story time storybook story booth) animation watch our themed parity playlist collections full of true stories: Being Yourself: Love and Heartbreak: Embarrassing and Funny: Bullies and Mean People: Overcoming Challenges: #storybooth #noscripts #novoiceactors