Channel: Chelsea DeNofa
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: c6 corvette driftingturbomx-5 driftingchannele36mustangraceline mediatruck driftingdrifting awaybmwgta 5 driftingsnow drift raceline mediareserve channelka driftingdragdrag racingdrifting carsnc miata driftingcorvette driftingrallysnow driftingice driftingbmw driftingnissan 350z driftingdrifting gymkhanadriftingnorwegian drifting championshipdrifting offhellcat driftinglamborghini raceline mediamiata drifting
Description: In this vid I’m going to introduce my buddy and new YouTube content handler. I’ve known Aaren for quite a while so we are going to just chat about random stuff and what we are trying to do with the channel.