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INCIDENT IN A GHOSTLAND (2018) Ending Explained

Duration: 26:29Views: 485.6KLikes: 18.7KDate Created: Apr, 2022

Channel: FoundFlix

Category: Entertainment

Tags: incident in a ghostlandend sceneveraending explainedexplainedexplanationmartyrstrailerendingfoundflixghostlandfinal scenemeaningreviewincident in a ghostland ending explainedspoilertwistclipfoundflix ending explained

Description: #ghostland #endingexplained In Incident in a Ghostland, sixteen years after a traumatic event, a mother and two daughters reunite at the house where it happened. But soon their reunion starts to take a bizarre turn leading to a quite surprising twist. We're breaking down the story, including the important character journey of Beth, the mysterious killers that invade their home, and explaining the ending. Subscribe! ►► bit.ly/2jrstgM Support FoundFlix on Patreon! ►► patreon.com/foundflix FACEBOOK ►► facebook.com/foundflix TWITTER ►► twitter.com/foundflix INSTAGRAM ►► instagram.com/foundflix FAN MAIL: FoundFlix 6009 W Parker Rd Suite 149-174 Plano TX 75093

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