Channel: ArmaganVideos
Category: Education
Tags: shadinghow toshadowhtml5flatdesignarmaganvideosvfxhowhightext logomodernflatdesignenglishlogohow-to (media genre)vectortutorialtextarmaganadobe after effects (software)shadow on textlicenceadobeone pagefull hdqualitylicensesubtleafxflat ui designlightvisual effectsgfxfullhdadobe illustrator (software)tohdillustrator
Description: Adding shadows or shading on text makes it look outstanding and nice, people often swtich from Illustrator (initial logo design) to Photoshop to add those shadows. This breaks the workflow of working with vectors, thus this tutorial. In this tutorial Iam showing you how those shadows within Illustrator to keep all the cool vector properties, it is a non-destructive, fast and easy technique. I hope you enjoy this tutorial, ArmaganVideos. My 5-hour uDemy course about flat design: ►►► Free downloads: ➜