Channel: ArmaganVideos
Category: Education
Tags: how tohtml5flatdesignvfxupdatehowhighmodernshaperflatdesignenglishlogohow-to (media genre)vectortutorialadobe after effects (software)cclicencenewshapertoolaiadobeone pagefull hdtoolqualitylicenseafxflat ui design20162015visual effectsmetrogfxfullhdios8adobe illustrator (software)toios7hdillustrator
Description: Adobe released the latest update for Illustrator CC and they've implemented a cool new feature called: Shaper Tool In this tutorial / presentation, you are going to see what you are able to do with the new tool, plus learn it with a fast and easy-to-create logo. My 5-hour uDemy course about flat design: ►►► Free downloads: ➜