Channel: DoodleChaos
Category: Entertainment
Description: After months of work I'm finally done. The native Portal 2 map editor didn't allow enough precision for me to synchronize to the music, so I learned how to use Valve's Hammer editor for this project. The quality of this video was upscaled from HD to 4k because YouTube grants higher bitrates at this quality. I also think it may have solved some audio shifting issues. Music: Portal 2 Remix - Reconstructing Science Remix (Futuristic Orchestra) By Plasma3Music Remixes Song Link: Plasma3Music's Channel: Thank you for giving permission for all to use this music! If you'd like to try out the maps I made for yourself, I will post the map files for my patrons: Note: The music is not integrated into the map itself, but must be run externally. I attached the code I used, which plays the music and starts the character moving forward at the same time.