Channel: What it all Meant
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: sacraficegamesubtextwhy is it gooddeathyordashadow of the colossusqueenwind milldiscussionexplainedgoodps2meaningfulps3explainationicoprince of persiameaningreviewstudiesthemethe last gaurdianmotifrelationshipselflessnesssummarymeantsongteam icovideo gaminghd collectionfilmsynopsisanalysisselfishnesslink towhatblack swanessayhdhornsstory
Description: A thematic analysis of Ico. If you have a question please ask below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you disagree with my interpretation please be polite and state your case with examples. This is a learning experience for everyone and I am happy to be proven incorrect if that be the case. Thank you! Last Video: Twitter: Subscribe(?)