Channel: Kristornio
Category: Gaming
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Description: Hey, thanks for coming down here. (:In this video I take you game by game how I was just 20 points short (equivalent to 1 top 5 match) from receiving my first earnings of $200 If you want to see more videos like this please be sure to let me know below in the comment section! I do not own the thumbnail on this video. ⭐As you know comments are disabled by YouTube so, if you want to comment make sure you head over to my community page and speak your mind. There I answer and acknowledge all comments! Follow My Twitch: Use Code: "Kristornio" in the shop! Tweet me a picture of you buying something so I can hit you with a follow BACK! #ad -Connect With Me! ► Use Code "Kristornio" in the ITEM SHOP! Send me a pic of you buying something on Twitter for a follow back! #ad ► Twitch: ►Instagram: ►IRL Instagram: ►Twitter: ►Donation Link: ► To become a Member: __ -Business Contact Information: Email: __________________________________________________________________ If you're reading this comment- #kristornio2021