Channel: H1GGSY
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite controller to keyboardranked fortnitefortnite ranked zonewarszonewarsranked zone warscontroller to keyboard fortnitecontroller to kbmfortnite zone warscontroller to kbm progressionkbm progression fortniteranked zonewarsfortnite rankedcontroller to keyboard and mouse progressionfortnite progression kbmcontroller to pc progressionh1ggsyfortnite kbm progressioncontroller to kbm fortnitekbm progressionfortnitefortnite progression pc
Description: I Spent 8 Hours Playing RANKED ZONEWARS and Made $___ (Controller to Keyboard & Mouse Progression) Twitch: (Daily Streams) In today's video I played Ranked Zonewars wagers for the first time on Keyboard & Mouse. I learned a lot from this experience and plan to do much more of this on a daily basis moving forward to improve fast as a Fortnite player! ► Follow me on Twitter: ✅ ► Join my discord and join the community: 🎤 #PS4toPC #ControllerToKBM #FortniteBattleRoyale