Channel: Half-Asleep Chris
Category: People & Blogs
Description: Go to to sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membership. I IQ Test my cats Ralph & Bella, to find it if they're geniuses! MERCH: INSTA: @halfasleepchris S.U.B.S.C.R.I.B.E Seriously Unscientific & Borderline Silly Cat Reasoning, Intelligence & Behaviour Exam _____________________________________________________________________________ Section 1: Tasks Question 1. Play a video of birds on the TV. Does your cat: 1. Never realise it’s just a video and try to catch the birds 2. Take a bit of time but eventually realise it’s a video 3. Quickly realise it’s a video and that they can’t actually catch them _/3 _/3 Question 2. Place a mirror in front of your cat. Does your cat: 1. Try to fight their reflection 2. Show interest but soon realise it’s a reflection 3. Immediately know it’s a reflection and show disinterest _/3 _/3 Question 3. Place some string on your cat’s back. Do they: 1. Do nothing 2. Ripple their fur 3. Somehow remove the string _/3 _/3 Question 4. Show your cat their favourite toy, and then hide it. Do they: 1. Never find it 2. Find it in under 30 seconds 3. Find it in under 15 seconds _/3 _/3 _____________________________________________________________________________ Section 2: Observations (Score 1-5) Question 5. Does your cat wake up at the same time / have a similar morning routine? _/5 _/5 Question 6. Does your cat go to bed at the same time / have a similar evening routine? _/5 _/5 Question 7. Does your cat like a variety of different foods? _/5 _/5 Question 8. How does your cat communicate they want feeding? 1. They don’t 2. Sit by their bowl 3. Meow relentlessly 4. Lead you to the bowl (or where the food is kept) 5. 2, 3 & 4 _/5 _/5 _____________________________________________________________________________ Section 2 (Continued) : Observations (Score 1-3) Question 9. Does your cat make different sounds for different needs? 1. My cat rarely makes a sound 2. My cats makes a few different sounds 3. My cat makes loads of different sounds for different needs _/3 _/3 Question 10. How many words does your cat recognise? 1. 1-5 2. 6-10 3. 11+ _/3 _/3 Question 11. When stroking your cat, do they move to encourage you to stroke certain spots? 1. No, they stay still 2. Slightly / occasionally 3. They don’t sit still, always telling me where to stroke _/3 _/3 Question 12. Can you teach your cat tricks? 1. No way 2. Yes, but only basic tricks and very slowly 3. Yes, with ease _/3 _/3 Question 13. If yes, how long do they remember these tricks? 1. No 2. A few days or weeks, with reminder training 3. More or less forever, with reminder training _/3 _/3 _____________________________________________________________________________ Section 3: Human Evaluation (1-10) Question 14. You know your cat best! On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest), how intelligent are they? _/10 _/10 _____________________________________________________________________________ Section 1 Total: __/12 __/12 Section 2 Total: __/35 __/35 Section 3 Total: __/10 __/10 Overall Total: __/57 __/57 0-25 Head full of fluff 26-40 Average 41-50 Purr-etty Clever 51-57 Feline Purr-odigy _____________________________________________________________________________