Channel: My Story
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: cardsstory timelost in the mountainscolddidn't eatmy story animatedshort storiesnegligencethe fallmy storyhiking in the mountainsterrainextremeanimated storiesenergyrainanimated channelmountain trailsthirstsatellite phonemountain rangesactually happened storiesanimation short filmovercominghikefoodanimationcamphungertravelsadventureactually happenedcompassrainforeststouriststrue storiesbonfiresport
Description: π If you would like to get your story animated, send it to this email address - π Subscribe My Story Gregory's story is about how he got stranded in the mountains and didn't eat anything for 6 days. Greg's been fond of traveling and adventure ever since he was a kid. Even when his class went hiking at school, he'd always advocate for a dangerous route and for going strictly on foot. Supervised school bus trips repulsed him. When Greg went to a children's summer camp for a few weeks, he decided to spy out the land. He started by walking around the fence but then he ventured further. He'd always go exploring during naptime so the camp supervisors wouldn't miss him. But when they didn't find Greg in his bed one day, they called out a rescue team, who discovered him standing high up on the mountain, right on the precipice, miles from the camp. They sent Greg home, he was grilled by his parents, and summer was over for him. When Greg graduated from high school, he and his classmates went to a lake outside the town to celebrate. They built a fire, caught and cooked some fish, and when everyone went to sleep, Greg sailed across the lake on a boat. The boat was leaky and rapidly filling with water. And he was far away from the shore. He knew he couldn't make it and it was useless to cry for help. Thankfully, a group of poachers were passing by on a motorboat and they rescued Greg. Greg knew adventure beckoned to him: he needed to feel that noble fear and to conquer it. When Greg turned 18, he planned out a trip to an Eastern country with no knowledge of its people, language, or customs. That was an unforgettable journey. Greg wandered through tropical forests and encountered dangerous wildlife but he survived all his hardships and returned home. At 20-something, Greg joined an extreme tourism club. Now that was the life for him! They went where no man had gone before, they scouted country after country, they hiked several hundred miles along various mountain trails, soaking up the good vibes. In the mountain camps, Greg would often hear others telling stories about their journeys and their survival experience. It wasn't lost on him how afraid everyone was of solo mountain treks. The very thought invigorated Greg, and one day he set out into the mountains alone. Greg left his phone at home and only packed the bare minimum, including food for 2 days. He was supposed to be back the morning after tomorrow. Soon enough, he was merrily walking up the trail to the mountain pass. He knew the mountains were a dangerous, treacherous place. An unequipped rookie with no navigation skills was likely doomed. But Greg was confident in his experience. Craving the adrenaline, he intentionally left his compass at home as well. His plan was to pass from one valley to another. The higher he climbed the colder it got. The sky was suddenly overcast and it got dark as night. The mountain peaks had clouded over, making it harder to navigate. Greg set a course for climbing higher and sped up, when he slipped and fell into a hole. He had hit his leg pretty hard and his head was ringing. He decided to make camp right there in the hollow. Thunder and pouring rain woke him up. He huddled up against the wall of his hollow, waiting for the storm to pass. The sun was barely rising. When it finally showed up over the mountain, Greg climbed out and set forth again. He only walked a few feet before he realized it was the wrong way. Apparently he had already strayed off course yesterday. He stopped to look at his maps only to realize he was lost. A day passed, then another. Greg's stomach squeezed with hunger and his mouth was parched. He kept walking but the mountains were neverending. As he was climbing yet another peak, it sunk in that he didn't know the mountains well enough after all. His face was sunburned, his feet were aching, and thirst was driving him crazy. By the 5th day of roaming, he had been starving for 3 days: all he had eaten was a bunch of berries. Thankfully, he stumbled upon a mountain stream on day 4, which gave him an opportunity to drink some water, wash his face, and soothe his feet. Greg was swaying left and right, his ears were blocked, and his head was pounding. He decided to stop tormenting himself and just keep walking down the river, hoping to reach a settlement eventually. 3 more days later, Greg got sight of a cow. Without thinking twice, he ran up to milk it. A quart of milk was enough to alleviate his hunger and give him the strength to talk to the horseman he saw ahead. Even though it was a rough adventure, Greg was impressed by his own shenanigans. He got what he wanted and he got a crucial life lesson on top of that. He's certainly not going on a mountain hike without as much as a satellite phone again. #MyStory