Channel: Simone Giertz
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: how toevan rachel woodcrappyhbo nowwestworldandroidhilariousroboticsshitty robotrobothbonowdo it yourselfseason 2 premierefuturisticbuild your owndiysimone giertzsci-fiwest worldhostyourselffunnynew seasonwestworld season 2cowboyhomemadecomedymyselfparody#sendsimonetowestworldversionpremieredoloresfailhbofuturehbogowesternhbo godolores abernathy
Description: HBO asked if I wanted to do a #sponsored #Westworld video and I was like #sure. And did I use it as an excuse to audition to get on the show? #youbet. I built an animatronic version of myself to show off my robot building skills. If I’m SimOne, she’s SimTwo. She now lives in my garage. We’re on good terms. Westworld Season 2 premieres on HBO on April 22! There’s still enough time to binge watch season 1, especially if you’re comfortable with peeing in jars and sleeping with your eyes open. Not that I’m speaking from experience. Here’s the link: and here’s a trailer: Produced by Portal A 👇places where I post stuff 👇 TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: MUSIC CREDIT Hackbeat by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: