Channel: ItsYeBoi
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sell on amazonresellingpalletitsyeboiliquidationsstorage unitamazon ring doorbellflipperps5tech haulamazon customer returnsamazon returnsamazon returns palletmystery boxreturn palletmystery techreturns pallet unboxingamazon fire stickamazon palletsamazon techamazon tabletliquidationtechwish unboxingundeliveredamazon return palletsamazonunboxingresalemystery unboxingreturnsebaymassive unboxing
Description: Today is our FIRST EVER Amazon Return Pallet Community unboxing video!! 50 of you purchased packages from this amazon return pallet and today we're opening them to see what you all got and you will not believe what we found including amazon products like the firestick, ring doorbell, tablet and something we were SHOCKED to see! Previous Video: I Bought An Apple Return Lot With 33 iPhones On eBay!! Check out my Amazon Store: More Buying videos: T W I T T E R: I N S T A G R A M: Follow Jay on IG: @directorjustjay If you read the entire description, comment down below: "PALLET VABZ" so I know you're a real one and I'll reply