Channel: Spanish With Paul
Category: Education
Tags: spanishlearn spanishverbapurarsebeginners spanishspanish with paulspanishwthpaul.comreflexivereflexive verbs spanishspanish lessonscoursetutorialspanish verbsspanish verb conjugationclass
Description: Learn how to use Spanish reflexive verbs correctly with this great example of "apurarse" - to hurry up! Reflexive verbs in Spanish can appear quite intimidating on the surface but they're actually quite simple to use. DOWNLOAD THE COURSE BOOKS: MINI COURSES: MONDAY LESSON SERIES: The verb "apurarse" is a great example and will help you get started using them. It's a good thing too, because if there's one thing that the Spanish language loves... it's reflexive verbs! So much so that often the ONLY WAY to express something is with the use of a verb reflexively.