Channel: Max Mears
Category: Gaming
Tags: teaching rustcommentary gaming#ruststoriesseason episoderust tipsrustopiarustrust gameplaygamerhow we became everyones enemy - rust movierust sologamingrust storygoing deepstarter help guidemax mears#rust#maxmearsrust base designsurvivalsurvivingfacepunchrust huge lootrust funnylearn to play rustend game lootrust duorust guiderust updateskill gameplayrust treasurerust funny momentsloot raidrust trap baserust raid
Description: Not seen part 1? - NEW POKEMON VIDEO - LIVE ON TWITCH NOW NOW NOW! - If you’re enjoying the video make sure you subscribe so I can produce more regular content! What is Rust you ask? Well Rust is the survival game that I've played for nearly 4000 hours. It's a game that can have the most intense nail biting moments, or you can spend hours doing nothing interesting, The way the cookie crumbles can never be predicted and of course I save the absolute best bits for you guys. Whether it's PvP moments, epic counter raids or my clan messing with each other, everything you need to experience Rust is right here on the Max Mears channel. I hope you enjoy, peace. Rust is in its 8th year and has now had over 300 content updates, with a guaranteed content patch every month. From regular balance fixes and improvements to AI and graphics updates to adding content like new maps, musical instruments, trains and drones, as well as regular seasons and events, there’s always something interesting or dangerous (or both) happening on the island. Updates to the game include: Procedurally generated worlds with map editor support Host your own servers and with server-side modding support Vehicles: horses, modular cars, hot air balloons, helicopters, trains and more Complex electrical systems Farming New enemies, wildlife and factions New monuments and areas to explore Gestures and contact system Musical instruments Large train network Huge recent graphics overhaul ..and more CHAPTER; 0:00 Intro 1:00 Going DEEP on Rust 11:27 The Solo FLESHY NODE HUNTER 27:00 CAN WE BE STOPPED? 34:20 Yes... Yes we can... 34:55 Keep moving forward! 40:50 Raiding EVERYONE 1:05:30 The FINAL DAY Thanks for watching, and as always, have fun guys! INTRO SONG - TWITCH - TWITTER - PATREON - MY DISCORD - #maxmears #rust #rustmovie Recorded on Shadowplay, edited with Audacity and Sony Vegas Pro.