Channel: Debunked
Category: Education
Tags: how tofacteducationnuclear survival kithydrogenexplainedmythchernobylfalloutphysicsdebunkednuclearchemistrynuclear winterbiologyhow to survivewhat is falloutlearnsurvivinglies taughthealthhow to survive nuclear falloutkeep calm and survivewhat ifnuclear bombdebunkatomicsciencemyth bustershow to survive a nuclearsurviving fallouturban legendatomatomic bombtheory
Description: You can support Medical Aid and Humanitarian Relief in Ukraine. These guys help refugees as well as getting medical equipment and supplies to Ukraine all with only 1% administrative cost. You can donate to Red Cross - Ukraine Emergency Appeal. Your funds would go towards blood collection, mobilization of volunteers and resources, and emergency activities. Choose Love also supports refugees with donations going towards providing vital aid and services to those still in and fleeing the country, including: emergency medical care, food, shelter, clothes, legal support, support for the LGBTQIA+ community and mental health support. *All charities have been approved by my MCN. How To Survive The First Hour Of A Nuclear Blast / Fallout! The situation has played out in TV and movies for years, but what should you really do if a nuke detonated near you? Will the fireball automatically obliterate your entire city? Will the flash incinerate your retinas? How long have you got before the fallout? Where is the safest place to hide? Join us on a comprehensive guide to surviving such a situation. CREDITS Stu K - Researcher | Producer | Illustrator | Animator | Editor | Presenter John B - Researcher | Writer Robin B - Guest VO Thanks to our Patreon Supporters, with Special Thanks to Chris Thompson Melissa MacPherson Sources: New York Times, BBC, The Guardian, The Independent, Washington Post, Gizmodo, CNN, Business Insider, Vice News, The Metro, GQ,, National Geographic, The Telegraph,, CTBTO, Popular Mechanics, BBC Science Focus Magazine, The History Press, Futurism, Wired, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Tonic, TED, Federation of American Scientists, CDC, US Marine Corps, ABC, Mic,, US Department of State, BBC History Extra/History Magazine, Atomic Archive, UCLA, ICAN Bonus Content - How Does A Nuclear Explosion Work? ...In Short Homeland Security Emergency Supply Kit: FEMA Emergency Supply Kit: FEMA - Be Prepared Brooke Buddemeier Interview Basic Effects of Nuclear Weapons *Extra Reading - All you wanted to know about nuclear war but were too afraid to ask