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How to Shoot Underwater Portraits in a Swimming Pool with your DSLR or Mirrorless and Speedlight

Duration: 06:35Views: 9.6KLikes: 172Date Created: Mar, 2020

Channel: Michael's Photo Tips

Category: Education

Tags: ewa-marinewomanu-bxphousingspeedlightpicturescanondivingswimming poolvisual art formanglephotographermodeltutorialfemaleportraituredigitalwedding dressmitros+phottixgood light clipsor mirrorless and speedlightmedia genrepoolgl methodlightingportraitmichael's photo tipsmichael zelbelshoot underwater portraitssetupunderwaterdslrgood lightportrait photographyphotographyflash

Description: Join our free group for daily photo tips and discussions: glm.tips/freegroup Essential tips for shooting Portraits underwater: 1. Use high-quality housing. Great affordable option: Ewa-Marine U-BXP 2. Use a flash. If you can't trigger an off-camera flash, use a speedlight on-camera. 3. Use a wide-angle lens underwater. I used 28 mm for all photos. 4. Attach weights to the housing to make it weightless underwater. 5. Place silica pads into the housing to take care of condensation water 6. Wear a dive mask to be able to see something. Optionally: A weight belt helps to pull you down. The most important tip: Safety first! Care about security, especially when you ask your models to go into the water wearing huge, floating dresses.

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