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How to relieve sore muscles!

Duration: 06:16Views: 11.9KLikes: 581Date Created: Jan, 2018

Channel: Erica Lin

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: how tosports related injuriesjointrehabstretchesinjuriesyogabackexerciselower back painstretchingstretchsciaticaflexibilitymusclesroutineexercisesfitnessmuscleinjuryreliefback pain reliefshoulderhamstringsorenessstresspainsportsstretches for lower back painsore muscles stretchrelievegymnasticssore muscle stretchhealthyoga for back painneckhow to relieve back painavoid injuriesflexibleworkoutsore

Description: SORE MUSCLE STRETCH + tips on How to relieve soreness & prevent injuries. SUBSCRIBE for new videos every weekend: erical.in/youtube MIDDLE SPLITS CLUB SHIRT: ericalinactive.com TIPS TO RELIEVE SORE MUSCLES 1. WARM UP before you workout 2. STRETCH - dynamic stretching & static stretching. Legs, Knees, Ankles, Wrists, Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Back 3. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR if you have ANY uncertainty whatsoever, or even the slightest injury/pain 4. FOAM ROLLERS: exercises & stretches with the foam roller to massage/warm up your muscles & joints 5. REST. Take rest days. Also get plenty of sleep each night 6. EAT AFTER YOU WORKOUT to replenish your muscles & prevent soreness. Post workout smoothie recipes? Like if YES This is a collab with Maria Krasowska from The Crazy Gymnasts! Check out her channel, and the stretch routine we did on her channel. Maria's channel: youtube.com/channel/UCTWnZTFSiF0kk_K93EqaBWg Our collab on Maria's channel: youtu.be/0Iv1cPHDBHA If you workout or play sports: gymnastics, cheerleading, dance, running, rhythmic, acro, yoga, circus contortion, soccer, track, sprinting, acrobatics, figure skating, martial arts, boxing, kickboxing, ballet, field hockey, lacrosse...you are subject to injuries & pain! Make sure you're following the tips in this video to prevent getting hurt or out for the season. Song: Everyone Knows - Daniel Gunnarsson πŸ’™ FLEXIBILITY TUTORIALS πŸ’™ How to do a needle: erical.in/needle Cheer Jumps: erical.in/jumps Scorpion: erical.in/scorpion Pretzel: erical.in/pretzel Leg Hold: erical.in/leghold Heel Stretch: erical.in/heelstretch Bow and Arrow: erical.in/BowAndArrow Tilt & Leg Extension: erical.in/tilt How to do splits: erical.in/splits Oversplits: erical.in/oversplit πŸ’™ SPORTS SPECIFIC πŸ’™ CHEERLEADING: erical.in/CHEER CHEER FLYER PLAYLIST: erical.in/flyer DANCE: erical.in/dance GYMNASTICS: erical.in/gymnastics πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™ SUBSCRIBE - New videos every weekend! goo.gl/t58dbU MORE WORKOUTS: goo.gl/t58dbU How to get FLEXIBLE in ONE DAY (FULL PLAYLIST): goo.gl/eUR6sq Erica Lin FLEXIBILITY PLAYLIST: goo.gl/xE3FDi INSTAGRAM - @EricaLinCheer - instagram.com/ericalincheer MUSICALLY - @LinErica - goo.gl/JUViHm ERICA LIN ACTIVEWEAR - ericalinactive.com OFFICIAL WEBSITE: ericalin.net TWITTER - @EricaLinCheer - twitter.com/ericalincheer TUMBLR - ericalincheer.tumblr.com Sponsorships, Promotions, Collabs - media@ericalin.net πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™ Erica Lin is a certified Personal Trainer, longtime competitive cheerleader & dancer, & YouTube Sports/Fitness Blogger. #QOTD: I Ship #EricaLin & _______________ πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™πŸ’– πŸ’™ I'm giving out #earlysquad shoutouts in my next video! HOW TO GET A SHOUTOUT: 1. SUBSCRIBE with notifications 2. Leave a like 3. Follow @EricaLinCheer on Instagram 4. COMMENT β€œ#NOTIFICATIONSQUAD” + **@your instagram name** when done ___ How to relieve back pain How to prevent injuries Sore Muscles Stretch Sore Muscles Yoga Yoga for back pain How to get rid of back pain How to cure back pain Sports Related Injuries Stretches to relieve sore muscles Sore Muscles Stretch Sore Muscles Massage Prevent Soreness Relieve Soreness & Muscle Aches Tips on how to prevent injuries Edit 2:30 PM...πŸ”½ If you’re reading this... SUBSCRIBE and comment β€œ#FRONTFLIP” so I know you’re EXTRA SPECIAL πŸ’žπŸ’ž

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