Channel: Laura Reid
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: posing tipslaura reidhow to take beautiful photos of yourselfposing tips for womenhow to posehow to pose in photoshoot7 posing techniques for non-modelshow to pose perfectly for photoshow to pose in photos with friendsposing 101how to take your own travel photosposing tutorialpose ideashow to pose for photos10 easy poses for instagramhow to pose in photoshow to look good in photoshow to pose in photos for instagramhow to pose in pictures
Description: How to pose in photos and sharing the tricks pros use in their Instagram photos with 6 easy pose ideas. When you learn how to pose for a photoshoot and how to pose like a model it makes it super easy to get pictures for Instagram that you love. There is an art to posing for pictures and it does take some practice to figure out what poses work best. Practice taking photos or selfies of yourself at home on self timer. This will allow you to play around a little bit with different poses to see what works for you. I wanted to get the best possible tips for you guys for this video so I asked my professional Instagrammer friends to share their best kept secret and the first posing tip from Lisa Homsy (@lisahomsy) is the law of triangles and Jamie Kidd (@jamienkidd) who will be talking about the photography hack the law of parallels. If you're looking for pose ideas for groups an easy group shot idea is this fake walking shot where you take one step forward and back and fake laugh. Finding good group pose ideas will make your pictures turn out even better. Here are the 6 easy pose ideas for your Instagram photos to feel less awkward. If you learn these pose ideas -Corner Lean -Sitting on the ground -Blocking the sun -Walk away -Body movements -Throwing hands SHOP: My Reversible Travel Clothing Line - Lightroom Presets- Follow Me INSTAGRAM Here: @laurareidd Also featured in the video: @jeylaloves 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》 Where I get all my music for my videos: (Sign up and get a 30 day free trial with that link!!) GET $34 IN TRAVEL CREDIT ON AIRBNB HERE: ARE YOU A FREELANCER? Protect yourself and get affordable legal contracts here: GET $7 Off Your Order Using DOOR DASH: T W I T T E R: @laurareidd S N A P C H A T: LauraReidYT V L O G C H A N N E L: F A C E B O O K: LauraReidYT 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》 WHAT THIS VIDEO WAS SHOT ON: LENS: VLOGGING CAMERA: WHAT EQUIPMENT I USE: 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》 ⇢ ATTENTION: For all business inquires feel free to email me at