Channel: Splice
Category: Music
Tags: protoolsaudio productionmixingpluginsmake fx out of anythingvstshow to make your own fxproduction tutorialvsts 2019electronic musicmaximizermusic tipsmusic tutorialsmusic productionmusic techniquesabletonmaschinealina smithhow to make fxmusic producertips and tricksableton liveedmplugin tutorialflstudioproduction techniquesfx tutorialvst tutorial for beginnersproducerlogicaudio engineeringproduction tipsvst tutorial
Description: Watch the full lesson on Splice Skills: Splice on Discord: Alina Smith: @Alina Smith 00:00 - Intro 00:16 - Freeze and reverse to create sweeps 1:24 - Sample loops and use reverb to make impacts 2:23 - Add rhythm to your risers using tremolo 3:33 - The creativity is limitless w/ automation 4:41 - It's not an exact science , just have fun 6:18 - Outro In this lesson, Alina Smith from the production team LYRE takes us on a sonic journey to flip samples into something totally new. With samples from LYRE’s Splice pack and using techniques like reversing, pitch-shifting, time-shifting, and different effects, she shows us how to create our own impacts, sweeps, risers, atmospheres, and weird FX. As she says throughout, it's about putting on your mad scientist scrubs. So let's accidentally start a fire in the lab. #sounddesign #abletonlive #splice #ableton #alinasmith #lyre #sampling #sounds #musicproduction #musicproducer How to make your own FX out of anything in Ableton w/ Alina Smith