Channel: Arthur 3D origami
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: 3d origami technique3d origami videos3d models origamiorigami (hobby)clearly origamiorigamihow to make3d origami craftpaper striped swanorigami swanhow-topaperhow to make 3d origami swanhobby (interest)diyhow to make swan3d origamisimple tutorialpaper sculpturesimple origamiorigami modularstriped swanhow to make paper swan3d origami swan3d origami tutorialpaper craft
Description: (We need 849 white and 478 red or blue pieces). In this video I’m going to show you how to make an amazing paper striped swan. It’s a paper swan in 3D origami technique (craft). You can learn how to make this bird easy. Just keep watching the video. Subscribe to Arthur3Dorigami channel And don’t be afraid to put your likes or write comments.