Channel: Mr. Otter Art Studio
Category: Education
Tags: snowflakehow toholiday craftlessonotter studiosimpleeasystepsscissorschristmas craftpaper snowflakesnowstarpaperbeginnermr otterwinter craftsnowflakestutorialmccall johnsonhow to cut a snowflake
Description: This video will show you how to make snowflakes out of paper. We will make three together, a geometric one with sharp edges, an organic one with rounded edges and fas a bonus a snowman snowflake. All you need is some paper, scissors and a pencil if you want to draw the pattern before you cut it out. Homework - cut out 4 more snowflakes and try to make one with a subject (snowman, cat, bear, letter of the alphabet, etc) Artists to look at “Drawing with Scissors” -Henri Matisse Wilson A Bentley - Snowflake photographer Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto I would love to see your snowflakes, post them to instagram using #mrotterstudio #mrottersnowflake Looking for a great gift? Our art classes are currently free with the coupon code FREE find them at and choose the bundle Also art supplies are a great gift:). Our watercolor paper is currently on sale on amazon and it comes with three great brushes. Check it out here This video was made by McCall for Mr Otter Studio Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist: