Channel: Minnesota Cold
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how toice barhawaiian shaved icehow to make an ice barwinterhow to make a frozen ice baricecoldhow to makeice bar with lightshowminnesotan shaved iceminnesota coldoutdoor frozen barcold weatherfrozen barbar with lightslights and iceice lightsfrozenoutdoor barhawaiian iceled lightsshaved iceminnesotaoutdoor ice barto
Description: Watch how we made an outdoor frozen ice bar to serve up some Minnesotan shaved iced. COVID-19 restrictions have limited indoor dining, so I thought I'd show you how to have some fun bringing your outdoor bar and dining experience outdoors! Amazing frozen bar countertop with LED lights and shaved ice, frozen glasses, and frozen bowls. Also watch the video where we freeze our trampoline and crack the ice by jumping on it: . And the video where we made a huge ice carousel on a frozen lake: And the video where show how to make an ice skating rink: . Watch and subscribe to the Minnesota Cold Weather Experiments and How To Videos: . Follow Minnesota Cold on Facebook: . Visit for more info on all of the Minnesota Cold videos and our other How To videos. Thanks to Zech, Eleison, and Tennille for helping to film it! #MinnesotaCold #MNcold