Channel: Presentation Process
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: powerpoint tutorialsinstall google fontspresentation processdownload fontspowerpoint tipspowerpoint trainingramgopals powerpoint masteryramgopal powerpointmicrosoft 365powerpoint 2016google fontspowerpoint 2019ramgopal pptpowerpointpowerpoint 365how to download google fonts for windowspowerpoint trickscomprehensive all in one bundle
Description: Discover how to download and install Google Fonts so you can make your presentation design stand out. This tutorial is created in Windows 10. *Ramgopal's PowerPoint Mastery TRAINING Program* Font source*: Contents of this video: ================= 00:00 Why Install Fonts 00:50 5 Types of Fonts 03:20 Download from Google Fonts 04:13 Install Fonts 05:05 Access Font in PowerPoint Links and Resources: Comprehensive All In One PowerPoint TEMPLATES Bundle 2.0 Sign Up for 25 Creative Ideas Free e-course #ramgopalppt The PowerPoint Templates showcased in this video can be used in any version of PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019. The video is created in PowerPoint on Office 365 by Ramgopal. Hi, we are Arte and Ramgopal from We post a new video every Monday and Thursday. If you want to impress your bosses and colleagues with your presentations and make an impact on your business and career, hit the subscribe button, and the Bell notification so you don't miss anything. We'll see you in the next video!