Category: Science & Technology
Tags: scheduleaccuratequantity takeoffsdocumentation
Description: Accurate quantity takeoffs, cost estimates, and high-quality documentation are crucial to the architect's workflow. Get more accurate building materials schedules and cost estimates thanks to new component properties. Learn more details of the features shown in the video from this article: See a list of all the new features of Archicad 25: Learn everything about Archicad 25's new features in this course: To learn more about Archicad go to New to Archicad? Check this collection of materials that will help you get started with Archicad: Download Archicad Subscribe to our channel on YouTube Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Twitter Follow us on LinkedIn In this video we present how to get more accurate building material schedules that cost estimates rely on thanks to Archicad’s new component properties. In the example you can see a composite wall with masonry block core, fiber sound insulation and gypsum plasterboard skins. The wall is crossed by a smaller and a larger MEP penetration. In order to calculate the quantities of the various materials open the new, enhanced Calculation Rules dialog under Project Preferences and set up component level conditional rules beyond the element level rules. Use Building Material Classification to control what components the rules should be applied to. The Concrete Block — Structural Building Material, which is the core of the composite, is classified as Concrete Masonry. For the Concrete Masonry material classification, we don’t subtract holes that are smaller than 0.5 square meters. To comply with local standards, set up Component level rules for the volume as well. User-defined and configurable conditions make it easy to list components based on their Material-contingent function. The calculation results will be shown in the schedule. The gross areas are shown for all three materials. For the concrete core, we can also see the conditional value, since we have a larger and a smaller hole. For the net area, both holes have been subtracted, but in the case of the conditional value, only the bigger one was, because the other one is smaller than the size that was set up in the Project Calculation rules to be ignored. #accurate #schedule #material #design #project