Channel: Warp Academy
Category: Education
Tags: vocal processinghow to remove reverbhow to remove sibilancebackground noiserecordingbadly recorded audioplosiveplosivesde-essaudio repair basicsreverb removerpodcast tutorialhow to fix bad audiohow to remove noisehow to remove plosivespodcastsibilianceaudio repairreverbdeessernoise removalhow to fix audiovocal compression
Description: ✅ Try All our Courses for FREE: Check out the Accusonus ERA4 Bundles: Try Warp Academy for Free: Join Our Newsletter: In this video we cover: -Audio repair basics -How to fix badly recorded audio -How to remove reverb & room reflections -How to remove background noise -How to remove clipping (aka de-clipping) -How to remove plosives -How to remove sibilance (aka de-essing) -How to compress the vocal to create an even sound Vocal processing and audio repair are two of the most INSANELY difficult things to do in the field of music and post-production. Most engineers (myself included) DREAD having to deal with badly recorded audio, so we're always on the hunt for tools do this better and faster. Today I'm amped to show you some amazing new plugins that'll absolutely FLOOR you with what they can do. Vocal Processing, Made Easy. Transform your Audio with These "One Knob" FX These effects were originally designed with podcasters in mind, who needed easy-to-use tools to sweeten up their audio with minimal fuss. Each plugin does one thing - really freakin' well - with the turn of a giant, single knob. Was your audio recorded in a massive gymnasium? No probs if you've got Reverb Remover. Did someone blast the AC in the background? No sweat! (sorry, terrible pun...) Just dial in some Noise Remover. Gone, faster than your in-laws then it's time to do the dishes. The Accusonus plugins are so good, they've been used on Game of Thrones and licensed by Adobe. Come see what all the commotion is about in our full tutorial video, where BigJerr uses the ERA bundle to clean up some seriously TRASHED audio. You won't believe your ears. Check out the Accusonus ERA4 Bundles: Try Warp Academy for Free: Join Our Newsletter: #audiorepair #vocalprocessing #howtofixbadaudio