Channel: Lucky Tackle Box
Category: Sports
Tags: pondsubscription boxlucky tackle boxfishinghow to fishshoremystery tackle boxfishing tipslargemouth bassmonthly subscription boxbass fishingbasslake
Description: Are you looking for tips on locating crappie using electronics? LTB pro angler Erik Thue breaks down how to find crappie in the winter using electronics. #QuickTip 👇 It’s extremely important to utilize some form of electronics when targeting crappies through the ice. As you drill out a basin (area for hole hopping) drop your transducer down and give it a little swing left to right, forward, and back. This trick will help you quickly identify where the crappies are located. Then you can move to the hole, get your jigs down, and catch more fish! Want more tips for catching crappies? Check out this video on how to troll for crappie in the winter: +++ Lucky Tackle Box is a monthly fishing subscription box for all anglers - beginners, experts, and everyone in between. We deliver a curated box with baits, terminal tackle, and accessories each month while providing you with the education on how, when, and where to use them. To learn more head over to 🎣 SUBSCRIBE for more AWESOME FISHING TIPS 👉 FOLLOW US HERE AS WELL: 👉 Instagram: @luckytacklebox​ 👉 Twitter: @LuckyTackleBox​ 👉 Facebook: #HowToFindCrappie #IceFishing #IceFishingTips #FishingTips #WinterFishing #Fishing #fishinglifestyle #anglers #fishingfun #fishing🎣 #crappiefishing #FishingTip #WinterFishing #howtofindcrappie #YouTubeVideo