Channel: Premiere Gal
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: mogrtsmogrt hackspremiere prohow to edit a mogrt file in after effectsessential graphics panelcreating mogrtsafter effectsmotion graphics templatesmotion graphicspremiere galmogrt to after effectsmogrt premiere promogrt file premiere proenvato elementsmogrtessential graphicsessential graphics premiere promogrt file after effectshow to make motion graphics templatespremiere pro templates
Description: Get 70% off Envato Elements: ______________________________ ABOUT TUTORIAL Tired of seeing inconsistent mogrt previews in Premiere Pro's essential graphics panel? I am! Use this hack to create an animated preview for your most used mogrts. Also, if you're a motion designer start doing this to all your mogrts. Typography Pack from Envato: Project Demo Files (Patrons Only): 🎵 Get 30 days free of music & SFX from Epidemic Sound: ➜Free log to rec709 conversion LUTS: ➜ Gal's Gear: ______________________________ TIMECODES 0:00 The mogrt inconsistency 0:28 Intro 1:01 Essential Graphics Panel Preview Problem 1:23 Why is it this way? 2:10 How to Dissect a Mogrt file 3:36 Open mogrt in After Effects 4:07 Change Frame Size 4:53 Export Preview as .Mp4 5:33 Create Preview Still Image 7:09 Recompress new preview into a .mogrt 8:09 My recommendations for designers & adobe ______________________________ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL ➜ ➜ ➜ Website ➜ For sponsors: Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of these links in this description are affiliate links. I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase and it's no additional cost to you. #mogrt #premierepro #aftereffects